Come tidal bore surfing river surf the Bono tidal bore in Sumatra, Indonesia. Camp & Boat Expeditions arranged by Antony 'Yep' Colas.
From Honduras' Rain of Fishes to Morocco's Climbing Goats, nature still carries surprises to those who think to have seen it all.
Longwave is the eagerly awaited Tidal Bore Surfing Film from Still Stoked documenting the World's longest rideable waves from Severn Bore to Pororoca
The Rio Araguari is the largest river in the interior of Amapa state, independent from the main Amazon basin. It's source is high in the western Tumucumaque mountain range.
Looking for an adventure? Try Nova Scotia
Surf Reports for Ocean Beach, Linda Mar and the San Francisco Bay Area
We are The Shubenacadie River Runners. We are a premium tidal rafting operation located at the mouth of the Shubenacadie River in Maitland, Nova Scotia.
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tidal bore surfing river
bore, called the pororoca, on the amazon river in brazil. what a weird and amazing wave! this is the cleanest i've ever seen it. wikipedia .
See the what Bay of Fundy tides (highest tides in the world) and a Nova Scotia tidal bore is all about on the Shubenacadie River, on a tidal bore river rafting adventure from .
A sophisticated men's interest magazine with an emphasis on high-performance surfing.
Top professional big wave surfers head to the Qiantang River in Hangzhou, China to surf the world's largest tidal bore--known as the "Silver Dragon." Greg Lo.
The ABC's Surfing Scientist is Ruben Meerman who regularly does school science shows for kids agesd 7 - 14. On his website you can cool science tricks, lesson plans for .
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